6000 Wales Rd., Northwood, Ohio 43619
Non-Emergencies: (419) 691-5053
Fax: (419) 693-3515
Emergencies: 911
Vehicle Break-Ins

Here are some tips on how to prevent vehicle break-ins:
1. Lock your car doors and close your windows. Thieves target unlocked vehicles, or vehicles that have their windows rolled down.
2. Do not leave valuables in your car, even if the car is locked. Thieves love to “window shop.” Secure GPS units, laptop computers, cell phones, purses, wallets, after market electronic equipment, loose change, etc. in the trunk or remove them from the vehicle altogether.
3. Do not leave keys in the ignition or anywhere inside the vehicle.
4. If possible, park your car in your garage with the garage door closed and locked.
5. If you use a GPS unit that utilizes a suction cup, make sure to remove the dock/suction cup from the window, even if you already removed the GPS device. Also – make sure to wipe off the suction cup “ring” from the windshield. Thieves will see that you have a dock and/or see the ring left from the suction cup, and could break into the vehicle to try to locate the GPS device.
If there are signs that someone broke into your vehicle:
1. Call Northwood Police at (419) 691-5053 to report the theft/break-in.
2. Do not touch anything or clean anything up. Latent fingerprints obtained on surfaces, doors or windows may help officers discover the identify of the thief.