6000 Wales Rd., Northwood, Ohio 43619
Non-Emergencies: (419) 691-5053
Fax: (419) 693-3515
Emergencies: 911
Train Detection System

The Northwood Police Department has implemented a train detection system for the Wales Road railroad crossing. Those who travel on Wales Road between East Broadway Street and Woodville Road can now see if the railroad tracks are blocked.
If the blue light is flashing, that indicates the railroad tracks are blocked and the motorist should choose an alternative route. You can also check the status of the crossing before you leave by visiting the Youtube link at the bottom of the page.
There are (3) blue light indicators:
East Broadway Street and Wales Road (across from Boonie's Roadhouse)
North Drouillard Road and Wales Road
Wales Road and Woodville Road

Wales Road
North Drouillard Road

East Broadway Street
Wales Road

Wales Road
Woodville Road