6000 Wales Rd., Northwood, Ohio 43619
Non-Emergencies: (419) 691-5053
Fax: (419) 693-3515
Emergencies: 911
Drone Unit

Drone Unit Supervisor:
Sergeant Nicole Romstadt
Phone: (419) 690-1653
Email: nromstadt@northwoodpolice.com
The Northwood Police Department operates an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Drone Unit, that consists of police officers that are specially trained in the operation and procedures for public safety drone flight. The drone unit's operators fly under Part 107 and hold a daytime waiver, so that operators may fly drones at night.
The Drone Unit operates two different drones: a DJI Inspire 1 and a DJI Phantom 4 Pro. The Drone Unit uses these sophisticated tools for a variety of different safety functions, such as search and rescue, missing children/adults, traffic collision and crime scene documentation, evidence search at inaccessible locations, fire incidents, HAZMAT incidents, traffic and pedestrian monitoring at large events, hostage/barricade situations, and more.