6000 Wales Rd., Northwood, Ohio 43619
Non-Emergencies: (419) 691-5053
Fax: (419) 693-3515
Emergencies: 911
Are You OK? Program

The Are You OK? program is a free outreach program for City of Northwood residents, that checks on your safety and security seven days a week. It's a program designed to give senior citizens or home-bound individuals a greater feeling of security by providing them with a daily phone call from a Northwood Police Dispatcher.
If the phone call is answered by the subscriber and everything is confirmed to be okay, the dispatcher will reschedule the phone call for the next day. If the subscriber does not answer the phone call or answers and requires assistance, the dispatcher will then dispatch either police, fire, or EMS personnel, depending on the situation.
Click the link below to sign up today. It's Free! For more information, contact the Northwood Police Department at
(419) 691-5053.